What is the Neurophone and Where did it come from?
While meditation is assuming a growing role in the lives of North Americans today – for relaxation, stress relief, mood managment and attainment of higher consciousness, many are looking for a way to create peace within and take their life to the next level. The Neurophone creates a pathway, taking the users brain wave pattern to that of a 30-year meditating monk in just few weeks of consistent use.
The Neurophone was invented nearly 60 years ago and yet today, science has finally caught up with it, as it stands in the forefront of one of the hottest areas of cutting-edge science – Ultrasonic Brain Stimulation.
Now the Neurophone, has many passionate users around the world. Its known for not only its meditation and relaxation enhancement qualities, but for its:
– left and right brain hemispheres balancing
– boosting of rapid learning ability, retention and IQ
– and the deep resonance that arises from activating a primordial hearing system in the body that is exactly like the one
used by dolphins.
The Neurophone introduces ultrasonic waves, whether voice, music or pulsating sounds induce certain brain waves states, through the skin. Using a lightweight transducer that sits on the forehead, sound penetrates the brain to an ancient unused hearing organ called the saccule. The saccule is a key organ in a dolphins ability to use ultrasonic sound to communicate and navigate.
In 1958, the Neurophone was developed by Patrick Flanagan, who at the time was 13 years old. A kid who just wanted to create things out of nothing, was inspired by a science fiction writer who postulated a sleep learning device. Using some household materials, he created the first Neurophone technology, which featured him in, “Life Magazine”, television time and really got noticed by corporations and the goverment.
The Neurophone was so advanced that it took years to get a patent. The DIA confiscated it for many years for its own research and development. When Flanagan managed to get it released from government control, he worked diligently on developing the Neurophone for consumer use.
Years of Flanagans research on dolphin-human communication for the US Navy Dolphin Communications program led to breakthroughs in advancing the Neurophone capability, directly leading to the dynamic device on the market today. The reason for the effectiveness of Flanagans Neurophone finally became clear in 1991, when University of Virginia scientist Dr. Martin Lenhardt published in an issue of Science Magazine, explained the impact of ultrasonic frequencies on an alternate hearing mechanism in the brain. New studies on Ultrasonic Wave Stimulation are now documenting what the Neurophone users are already experiencing.
Now Patrick Flanagan being a world renowned inventor and physicist, is seeing the Neurophone’s popularity skyrocket as people seek new meditation aids, stress relief and ways to attain deeper states of consciousness.
Neurophone owners also report significantly enhanced rapid learning abilities, and that is supported by evidence recorded on a device called a Neuro Efficiency Analyzer, most often used by West Point to determine natural intelligence in undereducated cadets, which registered instantaneous increases in IQ by users of the device. Other studies show that the neurophone’s increase of brain coherence, the effective balancing of left and right brain is leading to multiple benefits, such as these and more.
“The Neurophone is at the forefront of deepening humanity’s search for a better way to live, “says Flanagan. “This device has evolved with our populace and today, it is an essential tool for training our brain waves to support us in a stress-free, meditatively-enhanced and empowered life.”
Patrick Flanagan Story…..
Flanagan wasn’t your ordinary kid, he loved creating things out of nothing. At 11, he was admittance to MIT. At 13, he was inspired after reading Hugo Gernsback’s RALPH 124C 41+, a science fiction book first published in 1911 to create the first neurophone prototype from a couple of brillo pads and some other household items. Within a year, he won the Houston Science Fair with the design for a missile detection system that the US government took from him. By age of 15 he was listed in Who’s Who in American Science. He was featured in a full-page story in Life Magazine and made national television when word got out about the neurophone after giving a talk at the Houston Amateur Radio Club. At 17, he gained his air pilots license and was employed by a Think Tank at the Pentagon. Yet, he was also a champion gymnast, who did yoga long before it was fashionable because it allowed him to “think better.”
Patrick wrote his patent application for the neurophone, although it was difficult get the patent office to accept the application. The patent office didn’t believe the possiblity of the device and just ignored the application. In his 20′s, Flanagan and his patent attorney flew to Washington with the device in hand. Flanagan says,”this was an unusual move since inventors rarely bring their inventions to the patent examiner. The examiner said that he would allow the patent to issue if we could make a deaf employee of the office hear with the device. To our relief, the employee was able to hear with it and for the first time in the history of the patent office, a close file was re-opened and the patent was allowed to issue.” The current neurophone doesn’t have the power capacity to make a deaf person hear. The amount of power it would need, the neurophone would have to be classified as a medical device. Although its believed to help with hearing issues, but not guaranteed to work for everyone.
With several years of work and study behind him, Flangan joined Tufts University as a research scientist. In conjunction with a Boston Corporation, he became involved with a project to develop language between man and dolphin, funded by the US Navy. During the years he worked on the project in Oahu and Boston, Flanagan had many breakthrough discoveries, including the development of a methodology for an actual working communication system between humans and dolphins. Here also, what he learned about their ultrasonic hearing systems directly translated into the development of the next phase of the Neurophone.
Years later, Patrick ran into problems with the government, as his patent application went to the DIA and the neurophone was confiscated and landed in a “secrecy order”, because of its potential to influence brain activity. Flangan was prevented from any further development or consumer production. Flangan fought for another 5 years to get it relased, and eventually prevailed and went on to introduce the Neurophone on a broad scale in 1996.
Neurophone Dream…….
People first are trying to hear with their ears. Once they get over that , they develop a new sense of perception, a sixth sense, which is hearing though the saccule. In a hearing person, you develop the ability to hear through both channels. It takes time to develop the sixth sense though the vestigial hearing organ of the saccule. In addition, the latest published papers show that low level ultrasonic stimulation of the brain improves cognition, relaxes and improves stress reduction.
That process probably has nothing to do with hearing but with the generation of gamma waves in the brain. The super high beta waves associated with increased awareness. Invariably, when i studied abnormal psychology as a child, i learned that the brain can function at much higher rates of speed and that the brain becomes easily bored. That is why speed reading is such a natural high.
The brain loves receiving high speed information. I believe the brain loves being stimulated at higher rates. Most people are bored because the brain wants and needs to be stimulated. One of my greatest desires is to form a Neurophone Foundation, so that we can finance double blind placebo studies to document these effects of the ability to increase the capacity of the human brain.
Over time, after using the Neurophone for hundreds of hours the brain performs its taks more efficiently. All people can be made into geniuses. We all need to learn how to operate at our highest capacity.
The Neurophone-NF3 is a Powerful Brain Entrainment Device
Imagine a time when trying to concentrate on learning a new activity or concentrating on work and think how easy can be to become distracted by other noises- coworkers, phones, television, etc. Hearing is an amazing sense, however our ears are not selective to the content that they do or do not hear. It is sometimes difficult to focus on the task at hand. The Neurophone-NF3 effectively bypasses the ears to “hear without your ears.” Information is able to be directly processed in the brain without the distractive input.